Book review: And then there were none

I realize that it’s been quite a while since I posted something. I was bombarded with a myriad of personal issues and couldn’t focus on creating content. Hopefully, this doesn’t happen again in the future.
It’s also been a while since I posted a book review and so I am precisely doing that. So let’s call this my back to work post, shall we?
And then there were none is a book that keeps you on the edge till the very last word. Written by one of the greatest mystery writers of all times, this book really boggles your mind till the very last word and I literally mean it. You are not going to know what’s going on until you come to the very end.
Ten people from various backgrounds are invited by a rich host to a mansion off the Devon coast for various purposes. They are perplexed when they find out that their host has still not arrived. In the meanwhile, they try to get acquainted with each other.

Things get rattled when one of them dies and they realise they have a murderer in their midst? Do they or was it someone else? What about the ten china soldier figures in the dining table? Is there a connection? Do read the book to find out more.
One of the best books ever written, Agatha herself admitted that this was the toughest book to write and you can really understand why, once you read the book. I really hope that you all read this masterpiece and the fact that I am really excited writing this review tells how much her detective mastery has impacted me. 
So what are you waiting for? Grab a cup of coffee or tea or whatever you prefer and start cracking. Trust me, you won’t regret it. I would really love it if you told me in the comments how much you loved the book.

My rating: 5/5

For those who want to check out this book, here is the link:

Author: Agatha Christie

Publisher: Harper Collins

Book review: Man, Woman and Child

PS: I borrowed this book from a friend and read it and hence I could not take a picture. The picture I have used here is from a website named . I am attaching the link here for reference:
This is the first post of romance genre in my feed. So as promised, I have switched from my go-to genre which happens to be psychological and mystery thrillers. Okay now, so let’s dive into the review.
Man, woman and child is an intense family drama that revolves around love, passion and faithfulness. Bob and Sheila Beckwith, who are the man and woman as the title says have everything that everyone envies. Love!! They are a happily married couple who have two daughters and live a peaceful and happy life. Bob loves his family with all his heart and soul.

Just when everything seemed to be perfect, one phone call changes everything. A phone call that tells Bob that he has a son. Memories come flooding back to Bob on how he had been unfaithful to Sheila ten years prior.  Now that the truth was out in the open, will the couple stay together? What happens to the family? Read the book to find out more.
The author must have had some kind of magical powers as each and every word written in the book makes you feel the pain the couple undergoes. The emotion conveyed is intense and maybe some readers out there would definitely shed a drop or two. A must read book for all bibliophiles out there.
One thing that really shocked me was the fact that I couldn’t find any pictures of this book on Instagram. This is one of the author’s best works in par with his famous ‘ Love story’ (will post my review later) and yet, this was the situation. This was another fact that prompted me to post a review on this book as I really felt that this gem should be known to all my fellow book lovers out there.
My rating: 5/5 
For those who have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below. For those who want to check out this book, here is the link:
Author: Erich Segal
Publisher: Rhus publishers

Book review: The Silent Widow

Yet another mystery thriller in my blog. Yes, I am a huge fan of mystery and psychological thrillers.
The Silent Widow is a book by Tilly Bagshawe written using Sidney Sheldon’s name. His family allowed her to continue his legacy as her writing style was similar to that of Sheldon’s. Sidney Sheldon is and was one of the best mystery writers we have ever been gifted with. But sadly due to his demise in 2007, we all lost a gem of a writer. But I think the universe heard the cry of all the bookholics and reincarnated him in the form of Tilly Bagshawe.
Doctor Nikki Roberts is a psychologist who makes her living by trying to understand and read people’s minds. But what happens when there are a sudden spate of murders in the city and she is the common link between them? Are these murders related to the murder of an au pair in Mexico that happened ten years ago? Don’t worry, I am not going to give you spoilers.

The writing is effortless and smooth and manages to keep the suspense element intact throughout. Though I think fans of Sheldon would predict the ending, it certainly is worth giving a read. I also think that the plot of the book is similar to the ‘ The naked face ‘ which was the first novel written by Sheldon and which was nominated for the Edgar Allen Poe award for best first novel. I will post my thoughts on this book as well soon.
Overall a good book but definitely had scope for doing better as I really have great expectations from the author. Will post more reviews on her other amazing books soon. 
My overall rating: 3.8/5

If you have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below. For those who want to check out this book, here is the link:

Author: Tilly Bagshawe
Publisher: Harper Collins

Book review: The Alchemist

‘It’s the possibility of having a dream come true, that makes life interesting.’

This is one of my favourite quotes from this book and really strikes a chord with me. I mean isn’t that life all about? Hoping for a better tomorrow? Hoping for better things? It’s the hope that keeps us alive, isn’t it?

This is a book with a minimal number of pages and simple language which makes it great for beginners. And what better way to start your journey into the world of books with something motivational. The alchemist is the perfect book to teach you about hope, dreams, following your heart and looking out for signs. Call me old fashioned, but I really do believe in all these. Those who believe in the ‘law of attraction’ can definitely resonate with this book. 

To be honest, and this might be an unpopular opinion, I did find it to be a drag initially but was hooked as the story progressed. The author has really done a great job in capturing the true essence of what dreams really are. The writing is really straightforward and easily understandable and that makes it a very quick read for bibliophiles who are in this world for quite some time.  

If you are interested or looking for some motivation and inspiration, then just grab a cup of tea( tea lover here!!) and settle down with this gem that radiates positivity. I am sure you will start seeing the world in a new perspective, once you are done with it.

My rating: 3.8/5

If you have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below. For those who want to check out this book, here is the link:

Author: Paulo Coelho
Publisher: HarperCollins

Book review: Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice!! There is something about the combination of these 2 words that just makes you want to say it again and again. Don’t you think they just flow effortlessly from your tongue? 

“It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” 

This opening line needs no introduction and is definitely one of the most well known quotes. Mrs.Bennet is someone who strongly believes in this and wants to get her daughters married off to rich men. She feels that a woman’s only goal in life is to get married and be a good wife. Well with her second daughter Elizabeth around, her task is not going to be that easy.

Elizabeth Bennet, a strong-minded woman who believes that a woman is destined to much more than marriage (and yeah she is right) doesn’t agree with her mother’s thoughts. She is a spitfire and rebel who believes in doing what is right for her. This only adds to her mother’s worries as she believes no man will be willing to marry her daughter because she lived in a society where a woman being like this was frowned upon. 

Enter Fitzwilliam Darcy, or Mr Darcy as most of us know him. A handsome young man who is allured by Elizabeth’s behaviour but appears to be haughty. So what happens? Do they fall in love or were they not meant for each other? Read the book to find out more. 

This book is a timeless classic and will always be one. Though this book was published in 1813, the author was way ahead of her time in capturing the essence of what a woman truly felt on various aspects such as societal pressures, marriage, honor, judgements and dependence on a man after marriage with dollops of sarcasm.

One of the books to have captured my hearts with its writing and broad thinking, this book will always be special to me. I really wish I could have met Jane Austen and had a fangirl moment with her , just to tell her how much I love this book. Jane Austen!! I will always bow down to you for giving the world this amazing gem!! A timeless classic indeed!!

My rating: 5/5

Author: Jane Austen

Book review: The Breakdown

As my blog suggests, I think it’s pretty evident that I am into psychological thrillers. There really is something about this genre!! It never fails to mystify or bamboozle you whenever it gets the chance. According to my personal opinion, I feel that this genre is really tough to nail it right. So did this novel meet all these expectations? Read on to find out more.

Cass Anderson, who is the protagonist of this story lives a happy life with her husband. All seems to be going well until the day she decides to take her usual shortest route to her home on a rainy night in spite of being told not to by her husband. Along the way, she sees a car parked in the woods and finds a woman inside it. Not wanting to get out of her car in the downpour, she just waits inside expecting the woman to come to her if she needed help. Since the woman doesn’t come forward she just drives off and goes home. But to her shock, she finds out the next day that the woman was murdered!! Not only that, she realizes she is becoming more forgetful!! So what happened? Read the book to find out!!

Coming to the overall writing of the book, though the plot was really good, I felt the part where she forgets things was quite a drag. I mean, we get that she is forgetting a lot. Hence I felt that there was no need to dedicate so many pages just to that fact as it deviated the focus from the main story. But other than that, the plot was perfect and the suspense was amazing. I really could not figure out what was going on and was really shocked reading the ending. So kudos on that!!

So if you are really looking for a good psychological thriller and would be willing to forgive the fact that there are quite a few pages dedicated to forgetting things, then this book is for you. But once again, I would like to highlight the fact that the plot was amazing!!

My rating: 3.8/5 

If you have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below. For those who want to check out this book, here is the link:

Author: B.A Paris
Publisher: HarperCollins

Book review: The girl on the train

I don’t know if you all would agree with me on this but Winter really calls for thrillers and if you are in the mood for a psychological thriller with an unexpected ending, then this is the book for you. 

This book follows a first-person narrative and revolves around three women, Rachel, Anna and Megan. Rachel here is the woman that the title refers to. She is an alcoholic who is still depressed after her failed marriage with Tom, who is now happily married to Anna. She also ends up losing her job as a result of her binge drinking. In order to hide the fact that she lost her job from her roommate, she takes the regular train to London everyday where her job actually was. During her journey, she sees the everyday happenings mostly focusing on her old house where she and Tom lived and an attractive couple whose life she idealizes from her own imagination.

One day she notices Megan kissing another man and this enrages her as it was not how she idealised her life. The next day morning she wakes up with blood stains in her apartment and fears that she did something to Megan but can’t remember it due to her blackout. What follows is a series of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge.

The author’s writing style is really good and keeps you thinking on what’s going to happen next. Though it felt like a drag in the first few chapters, it really got interesting as it progressed. I really could feel Rachel’s deep emotions, Megan’s frustrations and Anna’s motherly instincts as they narrated their perspectives.

So just snuggle up in a blanket with a cup of tea and get ready for an amazing mystery. This is definitely a winner of a book.

My rating: 4/5

If you guys have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below.
For those who want to check out this book, here is the link:

Author: Paula Hawkins
Publisher: Transworld publishers

Book review: Marley and me

If you are a bibliophile and cynophile, then you are in for a double treat. This beautiful book is a true story which chronicles the life of the titular character Marley, with his family. John and Jenny, a newly married couple, decide to adopt a dog to gauge their parenting skills before they plan for a baby. Little did they realize that their life would never be the same again. 

Enter Marley, the cute little Labrador Retriever who turns their life upside down with his antics. From swallowing Jenny’s gold chain to chewing up everything to being kicked out of obedience school, this dog has done it all. Though the title of the book says, ‘World’s worst dog’ and he did live up to it, he proved that he had a heart of gold when Jenny suffers a miscarriage and he just lays his head on her lap and allows her to weep. The usually out of control Marley actually had it in him to understand her grief. 

If you want a nice warm fuzzy feeling along with your cup of tea, then this book is perfect to evoke those emotions. I am sure all dog lovers out there would relate with it. It also beautifully portrays how a dog easily blends into our family and becomes one of us. They have a far better understanding of us than we have of ourselves and truly love us for who we are and not what we are. I am sure if we all follow this simple rule what dogs follow, this world would be a much better place.

I actually became nostalgic writing this review as I started thinking about my dog who would happily be chasing chameleons in heaven now. So all dog lovers out there, even if you don’t read books much, do give this a try. I am sure it will be worth your time. Be ready to shed a few tears as well!

My rating: 4/5

If you guys have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below.
For those who want to check out this book, here is the link:

Author: John Grogan
Publisher: HarperCollins

Book review: The psychology of time travel

If I were to rate this book based on the concept alone, then it definitely gets a 5 star rating. I mean what’s not to like about time travel? The fact that it also includes four women engineers who actually discover time travel, diversity and inclusion and different sexual orientations is also a great thing, so kudos to that. Being a debut novel for the author, I really feel she has done a great job in terms of the concept and also being original with the rules that come with time travel. The plot also involves a woman being murdered and a young woman named Odette who is determined to find the murderer. Again, great concept  But that’s where the compliments end.

The writing was totally scattered and completely missed the cohesive element. I felt that unnecessary characters were introduced without any significance and there were many loopholes in the plot. To be honest, this made the book quite boring and I had to force myself to read through the first half, which in itself is shocking as I am a bibliophile. It also has the psychometric tests conducted for a time traveller candidate by the Conclave, which is the agency that governs time travel, at the end of the book and I felt that was quite unnecessary to add. This book definitely did have great potential but completely missed the mark due to its various flaws. In spite of its various shortcomings, the author definitely deserves a thumbs up for the concept and its originality.

My rating: 2.5/5

If you guys have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below.

For those who want to check out this book just for the concept, here is the link:

Author: Kate Mascarenhas
Publisher: Head of Zeus

Book Review: A Thousand Splendid Suns

This being my first post, I wanted to start out with a book that had a huge impact on me.

I am sure most of the book lovers out there would have already read this book or would have plans to do so. This gem of a book which is set in Afghanistan is about the sufferings that two women undergo with an abusive husband and the takeover of the Taliban in their country. Mariam, who is an illegitimate child has to undergo a lot of social stigma for no fault of hers and this continues throughout her marriage as well. Enter Laila, the girl who lives next door and is much younger than Mariam. After a few hiccups in their relationship, she assumes the role of a guardian to Laila and thus starts the saga of one of the purest forms of love ever seen.

The author has wielded his magic throughout the book with his impeccable writing which will definitely keep you captivated till the end. It also highlights the toxicity of a patriarchal society and how women were victims of it. A definite tear jerker which will melt even the hardest of hearts.

If you haven’t read it yet or if you plan on entering the world of books, I strongly recommend that you start with this. I am sure you will thank me later.

My rating: 5/5

If you have already read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below.

For those who plan on reading it, use this link to buy yourself a copy:

Author: khaledhosseini

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing UK