It’s that time of the year when exams are finally over and summer is here!!! Summer is beautiful, isn’t it? People usually say that Spring is the season of hope but Summer is the season that tells people that affirms people that their hope didn’t go in vain. It culminates into something beautiful, allowing people to dream of something good.
It was that kind of a day when I decided to go for a walk on the Banks of the Lee Walkway in Cork City. Me saying it was beautiful would be a dire understatement. It was something ethereal. There is something about walking in nature and greenery, is it not? It makes you feel closer to the universe and rejuvenates you. All the burdens that had stacked up itself over time finally left me and made me feel light.

All this combined with the blue skies and clear water just made even more sense. And what’s not to love with the little dogs running around and enjoying their day as well?

So yeah, coming back to the point. After my walk, I decided to watch a movie because why not? No idea why, but I felt like watching some old classic. I was listening to the song ‘Don’t you forget about me’ by Simple Minds and my mind immediately went to the movie ‘The Breakfast Club’. I have always loved this movie and will continue loving it. It is such a short movie but the depth it conveys is beyond its running time.
The movie showcases five students from different cliques in high school who have to spend eight hours of detention together on a Saturday morning. The conversations that they have conveys so much that make you rethink your perspective on life. I guess the walks on the banks just made me think more. A few things that it conveys are to not give a damn about what other people think and to be unapologetically yourself.
And that is exactly what every one of us needs to do. To be unapologetically yourself!! If you love someone, tell them. If you want to ask someone out, ask them!! If you feel like there is an issue or a gap between your friends, address it!! If you think you did something wrong, apologise!! I mean, it’s not so hard, is it?
Life is short and relationships are profound. Every relationship whether it may be between siblings, friends or a couple is unique and each one requires its own efforts. It takes courage to stand up for each of them and put in all your heart and soul. Yes, it takes courage to let down all your walls and show your vulnerable self to others and for that, you always have to be proud and never ashamed no matter where things would end. Because you were true to yourself and that’s all that matters.
Just remember, you never have to be sorry or feel embarrassed just because you were unapologetically you!!