Restaurant review: Fromage, Chennai

Happy to say that my last lunch for the year was excellent!!! I went to the MRC nagar branch of Fromage along with my sister for lunch.

The following are the dishes that we devoured. I also ordered the Veg Tortizza as a takeaway but that didn’t make it to the list as it was gobbled up by then.

Chicken Tortizza

The Chicken Tortizza was amazing and really was light. The cheese was gooey and yumm!! Of course, being a restaurant that specialises in cheese, I would expect no less.

Chicken Parmigiano

I would say the same about the Chicken Parmigiano. Chicken tenders loaded with gooey mozzarella cheese an served with a salad. The dish was really cohesive and the cheese definitely took the dish to the next level.

Death by chocolate

For dessert, we had the death by chocolate cake. The buttercream filling and the ganache on top was really moist and delicious. The cake however was a bit dry and we were able to eat it only because of the buttercream.

Overall, the food was excellent and totally met my expectations. I just had one problem and that was the choice of desserts. Besides this chocolate cake and rainbow cake, there was nothing else as an option. Also, this cake was a 12 layer cake which was really tough for 2 people to finish. I actually had to ask the waiter to cut it in half and bring the remaining home. Overall, an amazing experience and looking forward to going there again.

Food: 4/5
Ambience: 5/5
Service: 5/5

Book review: Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice!! There is something about the combination of these 2 words that just makes you want to say it again and again. Don’t you think they just flow effortlessly from your tongue? 

“It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” 

This opening line needs no introduction and is definitely one of the most well known quotes. Mrs.Bennet is someone who strongly believes in this and wants to get her daughters married off to rich men. She feels that a woman’s only goal in life is to get married and be a good wife. Well with her second daughter Elizabeth around, her task is not going to be that easy.

Elizabeth Bennet, a strong-minded woman who believes that a woman is destined to much more than marriage (and yeah she is right) doesn’t agree with her mother’s thoughts. She is a spitfire and rebel who believes in doing what is right for her. This only adds to her mother’s worries as she believes no man will be willing to marry her daughter because she lived in a society where a woman being like this was frowned upon. 

Enter Fitzwilliam Darcy, or Mr Darcy as most of us know him. A handsome young man who is allured by Elizabeth’s behaviour but appears to be haughty. So what happens? Do they fall in love or were they not meant for each other? Read the book to find out more. 

This book is a timeless classic and will always be one. Though this book was published in 1813, the author was way ahead of her time in capturing the essence of what a woman truly felt on various aspects such as societal pressures, marriage, honor, judgements and dependence on a man after marriage with dollops of sarcasm.

One of the books to have captured my hearts with its writing and broad thinking, this book will always be special to me. I really wish I could have met Jane Austen and had a fangirl moment with her , just to tell her how much I love this book. Jane Austen!! I will always bow down to you for giving the world this amazing gem!! A timeless classic indeed!!

My rating: 5/5

Author: Jane Austen

Book review: The Breakdown

As my blog suggests, I think it’s pretty evident that I am into psychological thrillers. There really is something about this genre!! It never fails to mystify or bamboozle you whenever it gets the chance. According to my personal opinion, I feel that this genre is really tough to nail it right. So did this novel meet all these expectations? Read on to find out more.

Cass Anderson, who is the protagonist of this story lives a happy life with her husband. All seems to be going well until the day she decides to take her usual shortest route to her home on a rainy night in spite of being told not to by her husband. Along the way, she sees a car parked in the woods and finds a woman inside it. Not wanting to get out of her car in the downpour, she just waits inside expecting the woman to come to her if she needed help. Since the woman doesn’t come forward she just drives off and goes home. But to her shock, she finds out the next day that the woman was murdered!! Not only that, she realizes she is becoming more forgetful!! So what happened? Read the book to find out!!

Coming to the overall writing of the book, though the plot was really good, I felt the part where she forgets things was quite a drag. I mean, we get that she is forgetting a lot. Hence I felt that there was no need to dedicate so many pages just to that fact as it deviated the focus from the main story. But other than that, the plot was perfect and the suspense was amazing. I really could not figure out what was going on and was really shocked reading the ending. So kudos on that!!

So if you are really looking for a good psychological thriller and would be willing to forgive the fact that there are quite a few pages dedicated to forgetting things, then this book is for you. But once again, I would like to highlight the fact that the plot was amazing!!

My rating: 3.8/5 

If you have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below. For those who want to check out this book, here is the link:

Author: B.A Paris
Publisher: HarperCollins