‘It’s the possibility of having a dream come true, that makes life interesting.’
This is one of my favourite quotes from this book and really strikes a chord with me. I mean isn’t that life all about? Hoping for a better tomorrow? Hoping for better things? It’s the hope that keeps us alive, isn’t it?
This is a book with a minimal number of pages and simple language which makes it great for beginners. And what better way to start your journey into the world of books with something motivational. The alchemist is the perfect book to teach you about hope, dreams, following your heart and looking out for signs. Call me old fashioned, but I really do believe in all these. Those who believe in the ‘law of attraction’ can definitely resonate with this book.

To be honest, and this might be an unpopular opinion, I did find it to be a drag initially but was hooked as the story progressed. The author has really done a great job in capturing the true essence of what dreams really are. The writing is really straightforward and easily understandable and that makes it a very quick read for bibliophiles who are in this world for quite some time.
If you are interested or looking for some motivation and inspiration, then just grab a cup of tea( tea lover here!!) and settle down with this gem that radiates positivity. I am sure you will start seeing the world in a new perspective, once you are done with it.
My rating: 3.8/5
If you have read this book, do let me know your perspectives in the comments below. For those who want to check out this book, here is the link: https://amzn.to/34XJI3e
Author: Paulo Coelho
Publisher: HarperCollins